Our Services

What we offer

Customized Short Form Video Editing Services

To save your valuable time, we take your current long form content, and produce from it short form content for you to post.  Depending on how often you post, we typically offer 20 short form videos per month - a $1500 / month value! 

Back Catalog Short Form Video Viewer Engagement Data Generation

We take your back catalog of videos, generate short content from them for you to post and for us to gather viewer engagement data - a $1500 / month value!

Personalized Long Form Video Critique

We have 5 years of experience working with Twitch Streamers and YouTube creators. If you engage with our above services, we will be watching a lot of your content - and we will offer suggestions for improvements where we see them - audio, visual, editing, and pacing, for every video we watch.  A $1000 / month value!

Continuous Short Form Video Viewership Data Analytics

We parse the data from your short form content viewership, analyzing what viewers enjoy, what they engage with, and relate it to channel click through and subscription rates - a $1500 / month value!

One on One Data-Driven Channel Optimization Strategies

We meet with you weekly to discuss the data we’ve analyzed, what content is generating your traffic, which key features of your channel speak to viewers the most, recommend strategies for engaging long form content, and optimize what sort form content we produce for your channel.  As you can imagine, this process leads to a snowball effect - maximizing viewership, engagement, and ultimately: Your Revenue Potential! A $2000 / month value!

Contact us today for pricing and package information!